How Mike Sautter Gained 30,000 Followers

How Mike Sautter Gained 30,000 Followers

Mike Sautter is one of the foremost producers of content for high school sports in Nebraska. Over the years, Mike has quickly amassed over 30,000 followers, but this was not by accident.

Our CEO, Taylor Siebert, sat down with Mike to talk about his journey and the advice he has for all of the young content creators out there.

How Mike Sautter Got To Where He Is Today

Mike wanted to pursue his passion for covering high school sports, but that dream wasn’t able to come to fruition right away. He still had a full-time job, but he persisted and dedicated all the time and energy to his passion that he could.

His daily routine looked something like this; work his full-time job from 8-5, go to a game around 6 or 7, and then come home to edit and produce the content he gathered from that game.

After years of being incredibly dedicated and consistent, Mike finally started to see some traction pick up. Not long after that, he started to monetize his work and was able to hire 6 part-time employees.

Mike attributes part of his success to one key thing that he started doing in 2011. Live-tweeting scores of high school sports across Nebraska.

“Why should people have to wait till the morning when they pick up the paper or wait till 10:00 PM when the sports comes on their local news to find out the score of a game in their hometown?”

Soon after doing this, he noticed an influx of people thanking him for the spotlight that he was putting on high school sports across Nebraska.

In late 2017, Mike got a call that offered him the dream that he had been pursuing his whole life. An opportunity to produce high school sports content throughout Nebraska full-time.

It Doesn’t Happen Overnight

It took Mike over seven years, incredible amounts of time and money, and plenty of sleepless nights to get to where he is today. He wants kids today to know that success isn’t something that happens overnight.

“So many high school and college kids want it right now. For the work I put in today, I want the reward today. But that’s not how it works, that’s not how life works.”

With how social media has evolved, it is so tempting to always be engaging with how many likes, comments, and shares that you are receiving. Mike exemplifies the importance of not getting too caught up in the analytics of everything. He even issues a challenge to everyone that is reading this.

“This is a test. Post something and wait 24 hours before checking to see how many likes, retweets, or shares that you are getting.”

Listen To The Latest Episode of “Creator Conversations”

Mike’s story and the advice he has for young content creators is incredible and can’t fully be spotlighted in just one blog. We encourage you to listen to the full conversation between Taylor Siebert and Mike Sautter.

Click below to listen to the latest episode of “Creator Conversations.”

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