One Third of the High School Takes Trey Perry's Media Classes

One Third of the High School Takes Trey Perry's Media Classes

In the 4th episode of Season 2 of our Educator Conversations video series, Striv CEO, Taylor Siebert, and McCool Junction's English and Multimedia Teacher, Trey Perry. He is in his fourth year of teaching at MCJ, leading their student broadcast and media program to grow and empower over 40 students—ONE THIRD OF THE 7th-12th GRADE ENROLLMENT—between his junior high and high school classes each school year. Trey also sponsors McCool Junction Student Media and is an assistant coach for his school's One Act and Speech programs.

Though still early in his career, Trey has great advice for new teachers looking to start their media programs. He recommends not overthinking about trying something new. Just do it and see how it goes and be flexible. If it doesn't work out the way you envisioned, try a different version or try something else.

He also articulates the importance of giving your students responsibilities and and not being afraid to trust or rely on students. There may be some students who let you down, but there will always be the ones who take their role in stride and help grow your program.

Trey also emphasizes how pivotal it is to identify and execute on how to best market and sell your program to your community and school administration. You can run a bare bones operation, but in order to upgrade equipment or technology, you'll need funding. That's where marketing is key to expanding your media program!

Watch the full conversation below to hear more about how students can help lead the way to growth in your school's broadcast program and how this expansion can be transformative for your community.

Key Points:

  • Be flexible, rely on your students, and sell your program.

  • Create an environment for your students' creativity and critical thinking to grow.

  • Media programs allow students to instill skills that are interchangeable across careers.

Watch the video for more tips on empowering your students in media programs!


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