Purose-Driven Projects with Jeremy Murman

Purose-Driven Projects with Jeremy Murman

Tune in to a fantastic chat between Striv Education's CEO, Taylor Siebert, and Jeremy Murman, the Instrumental Music Teacher at Archbishop Bergan Catholic School. Jeremy shares his wisdom on starting and nurturing a broadcasting and digital media program, and the transformative impact it has on students. Let’s dive into the highlights:

The 3 P’s: Patience, Please, Platform

Jeremy’s first gem of advice is all about patience. Building a successful broadcasting program doesn't happen overnight. He emphasizes starting small, focusing on getting one thing right, and then gradually adding more. "It’s okay to take a step back," he says, especially if you’re short on manpower.

Broadcasting isn’t always going to be perfect, and that’s perfectly okay. Patience is key—both in the process and with the students involved.


Never underestimate the power of asking and saying "please". Jeremy encourages educators to ask for help, whether it’s for equipment, donations, or support from local businesses.

His program, for example, benefitted from student-made commercials thanks to community support. And don't forget to ask students for their help and input—if they're asked instead of looking for volunteers, they're often more than willing to step up.


Striv has been an invaluable platform for Bergan, enabling them to broadcast a variety of events, from concerts to spelling bees to track meets. It’s become an essential way for the school to connect with the wider community and showcase what’s happening within their walls.

Boosting Confidence and Purpose through Broadcasting

Broadcasting has done wonders for students' communication skills at Archbishop Bergan. Jeremy highlights the importance of confidence—reassuring students that it’s okay to fail and make mistakes as they learn.

Broadcasting isn't about busy work; it’s about fulfilling a real purpose. When students know that what they are doing is important and that there’s people that are relying on them, it’s a game-changer. They understand that people are watching the broadcast, which drives their commitment and leads to success.

Transforming Students through Content Creation

The growth Jeremy has witnessed in his students through content creation is remarkable.

He shares how students, initially unsure, step up to mentor their peers, actively problem-solve, and take pride in their work. He recalls giving his headset to administrators to listen in on student communication during broadcasts, showcasing their teamwork and problem-solving skills in real-time.

The Award-Winning Pump & Pantry Commercial

One of the standout projects from Jeremy’s digital media class was the award-winning Pump & Pantry commercial. The assignment was purpose-driven from the start, focusing on showcasing the community of Fremont and Pump & Pantry.

The students brainstormed, storyboarded, and then executed their ideas, collaborating with the Pump & Pantry manager who fully supported their creative endeavor. A key lesson learned? Always capture more footage than you think you need! Watch their commercial below:

Striv: A Band Teacher’s Best Friend

Jeremy gives a heartfelt shoutout to Striv, crediting us with providing everything needed for their broadcasting program. From equipment to support and a community of teachers and resources, Striv has been an indispensable partner.

He highlights the excitement of broadcasting NSAA State Events and how Striv has become a verb in their school—“Are you going to Striv this?” The willingness of Striv to evolve, learn, and share their knowledge has been incredible because Bergan knows that we have grown to provide the best help and service to their school and program.


Watch Jeremy Murman's full conversation here and learn more about his program and purpose-driven projects from his summer workshop session:

Jeremy's journey at Archbishop Bergan Catholic School is a testament to the power of patience, purpose, and platform in building a successful broadcasting program.

With the right mindset and support, educators can guide their students to new heights of confidence and skill, preparing them for a future in the digital world.

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